What is Rolfing?
Rolfing, also called Structural Integration, is a technique that combines manipulation of the connective tissue and movement education. It works to restore elasticity, adaptability, and structural ease.
Who can benefit from Rolfing?
Rolfing works to address the negative effects, resulting from old injuries, poor posture, chronic pain, past traumas and general structural and functional imbalances. Rolfing increases breathing, flexibility, improves performance, coordination, balance, and overall vitality. When we change structure, we also affect our attitudes, emotions and all the patterns of behavior.
What is Fascia or Connective Tissue?
The fascial web is the network of connective tissue that is continuous throughout the body. Connective tissue organizes muscles into functional groups, divides one muscle compartment from another, wraps, and divides each muscle within these groups, and also divides each muscle fibre within the muscle itself. Connective tissue then continues to become tendon or ligament as well as becoming the top layer of bone. Connective tissue binds other tissues, nerves and organs, and suspends them in their proper relationship within the body cavity itself. Structural imbalances in the body can affect organ function. Similarly, chronic organ disturbance can have an impact on structure.
How does Rolfing work?
Rolfing works at balancing the tensions running through the connective tissue in the body. By unhinging any restraints in the connective tissue, Rolfing allows for more efficient use of the body, as well as awakening, perceptive, and coordinative patterns in our biomechanical capacity. By releasing fascial restrictions in structure, we unlock limitations in movement patterns and return the body to a neutral state of ease and grace. Subsequently, many chronic complaints can be relieved when our structure is working with gravity, instead of fighting against it.
How is Rolfing implemented?
Rolfing may be applied session by session based on the individuals needs, or through the 10 series. The 10 series was developed to address the entire structure in a holistic and systematic approach to integration. Each session is designed to create support and prepare the body for the changes to come in the following sessions.
Are Rolfing SI sessions covered by Extended Benefits?
Yes, as a Registered Massage Therapist, if you have massage therapy coverage under your Extended Benefits plan, all Rolfing SI sessions are eligible for reimbursement.
Is Rolfing SI painful?
In its early days, Rolfing SI was known for being quite intense, but over time the approach has evolved. While it’s true that working with tight or restricted tissue can sometimes cause discomfort, my goal is always to keep the work within your comfort level. Since each person’s tolerance is different, I’ll check in with you regularly throughout the session to ensure you’re comfortable.
How is Rolfing SI different from massage?
While both Rolfing SI and massage involve hands-on work, they differ in a few key ways:
Focus of Treatment: Massage primarily focuses on muscle relaxation and alleviating symptoms of discomfort, like tension or soreness. Rolfing SI, on the other hand, aims to address the root causes of tension or pain by working to release restrictions in the body and restore its natural alignment.
Session Experience: During a massage, you typically lie still and focus on relaxation. In contrast, Rolfing SI is more interactive. You’ll be encouraged to move, walk, and perform simple exercises throughout the session to help assess and target your body’s needs.
What should I wear to a Rolfing SI session?
For optimal freedom of movement during sessions, clients may wear underwear, a two-piece bathing suit, or loose, comfortable clothing. The goal is to wear attire that allows easy access to the body while ensuring you feel relaxed and comfortable. For women, this typically means loose shorts (such as cotton or stretchy yoga shorts) and a sports bra. For men, shorts above the knee work well. Comfort is key, so please wear what is most comfortable for you to be in.
How much time should I leave between sessions?
Most clients schedule Rolfing SI sessions once a week or every two weeks. This isn’t a strict requirement, but it’s important to note that Rolfing SI is a progressive process, where each session builds on the previous one. If sessions are spaced too far apart, the body may revert to old patterns before progress can be fully integrated.